Pfizer is undergoing a transition of its Corporate Card issuer and requires a Program Administrator (PA) to manage the roll out of new corporate cards to colleagues, which includes approving applications, answering questions, triaging issues, and conducting maintenance activities.
The Program Administrator (PA) is responsible for partnering with the new card issuer to administer the country card program. PA’s are the only employees of the company authorized to administer the card program when contacting the card issuer.
This role will demonstrate clear communication, outstanding customer service, and advanced problem-solving abilities. They will collaborate cross-functionally as appropriate.
This role will be based in Dalian, China and will work with the payments team, and other COEs as appropriate. The PA will report directly to the Americas Corporate Card and Travel Manager.
Serve as program Subject Matter Expert (SME) to provide guidance and ensure global consistency
Provide support for maintenance activities (i.e., credit line increases/address
- 制药·生物工程
- 1000人以上
- 外商独资·外企办事处
- 碑林区和平路116号金鼎大厦303
服务经理/五险/单双轮休 8000-15000元管城回族区 应届毕业生 不限河南耳域健康管理有限公司
综合金融管理 面议应届毕业生 不限中国人寿保险股份有限公司郑州市分公司
Unit People Planning Specialist ID159321 面议惠济区 应届毕业生 不限宜家(中国)投资有限公司
郑州德邦物流有限公司招聘叉车工 5000-8000元中牟县 应届毕业生 不限郑州德邦物流有限公司
德邦快递员 就近安排 过年放假长 提供车 6000-8000元金水区 应届毕业生 不限郑州德邦物流有限公司
德邦物流直招-接受无经验 7000-8000元中原区 应届毕业生 不限郑州德邦物流有限公司